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Year R - Butterfly Class


Welcome to Butterfly Class

Miss Finnis is Butterfly Class teacher and Miss Oliver and Miss Opara are the class teaching assistants. We also have the school's inclusion team on hand to support the children as they settle into school life. 

Welcome to Pilgrims' Way. It was wonderful to meet you on our home visits in the first week of term and begin getting to know you. This term we will continue getting to know your children, introducing them to the rules and routines of the school. We will be encouraging them to exhibit the Pilgrims' Way school values and model what this looks like. Our main goal is to support your children to settle into their new learning environment and support their learning through various indoor and outdoor activities.

Our topic for Term 1 is Marvellous Me! This includes exploring facts about ourselves, each other and our relationships, such as families, friends, communities and cultures. We also delve into beliefs and values as well as physical, mental, social and spiritual health. We will be exploring our learning environment, using it to aid our learning through adult-led activities as well as our independent play. 

In Term 1 we will be exploring three main books: 'Colour Monster', 'Colour Monster Goes to School' and 'We are all Different'. These books focus on relationships with friends and family as well as exploring how we are all different. They also discuss feelings and how to express emotions. This ties in beautifully with our 'Marvellous Me!' learning. 

Forest School - Tuesday

Your child will need to bring in their Forest School kit for these sessions. Please provide them with old clothes and some wellington boots. If the weather is cold or wet, please make sure your child has an appropriate coat.

P.E. - Thursday

Please make sure that your child has their P.E. kit in school on this day. This should be in a named bag and should include shorts, a t-shirt and plimsolls/trainers.

How you can help at home

- Read with your child at least three times a week. Every week on Friday, your child's books will be changed. Children are also encouraged to read every day at home and receive Dojo points when they do this. Please sign the reading record so that we can keep track of what books have been read. 

- Practise the phonic sounds we have been learning in class.

- Talk to them about school routines, such as putting their things in their lockers, lunch times, eating, register and tidying up.

- Use the newsletter to discuss their current learning and encourage them to incorporate what they have been learning into their everyday routines. 

- Explore their interests through play.

Thank you for your support. If you ever have any concerns or questions then please don't hesitate to contact me. I am at the classroom door before and after school or alternatively, you can email me on ClassDojo.

The Term 1 knowledge organisers below provides information on our learning enquiry for this term. 

 Please click here to access extra phonics, reading and spelling resources.

Please click here to access links to other useful home learning resources published online.

If you are unsure of any log in details please contact the teacher through Class Dojo or email