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Spiritus Ad Surgere - Let Our Spirits Soar High

Year 2 - Deer Class

Welcome to Deer Class, our class teacher is Miss Tombs.

Welcome back to Term 1 in Year 2, we are sure to have a busy and fun time with all the learning that is in store!

Our Historical enquiry in Term 1 will be:

' How was school different in the past?' 

We will be learning about schools in the 1900s and comparing them to schools now. We will be building on our learning in Year 1 and developing our historical vocabulary.

Our PE this term will be on a Thursday afternoon - please ensure your child has a PE kit to change into on this day.

Our Forest School days will be 25th September, 2nd and 9th October. On these days the children should come to school in uniform and bring Forest School kit to change into after lunch.

Home learning will include reading each day and spelling shed assignments alongside practise on Numbots and TT Rockstars.

If you have any questions please see me at the beginning or end of the day or message on dojo.


The Term 1 knowledge organisers below provide information on our learning for this term. 

Please click here to access extra phonics, reading and spelling resources.

Please click here to access links to other useful home learning resources published online.

If you are unsure of any log in details please contact the teacher through Class Dojo or email