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School Meals

 Hot meals are prepared daily in our on-site kitchen. They conform to the new government healthy standards and cost £2.40 per day. School lunches must be paid, in advance, via Parentpay. 

Please click here to go to the ParentPay.

Facilities are also provided for children to eat a packed lunch. We encourage parents to ensure that packed lunches are healthy and wholesome.

Nut Free School

Peanut allergy is the second most common food allergy and this is increasing. It now occurs in 1 in 50 children.  

At Pilgrims' Way we have a growing number of our community who suffer from a severe nut allergy and require significant medication if they come into contact with a nut product. They can suffer life threatening consequences if they have a reaction which can result from a simple handshake or touching a table where someone may have had some nuts in their food.  

We are urgently developing our 'Nut Free School' policy and ask for your help while we develop this.

If your child has packed lunch or brings a snack for break, please check that they do not bring in anything that contains nuts or says that it may contain nuts.


Free School Meals

To check to see if your child qualifies for free school meals, visit the Kent County Council website on the link below:



Packed Lunches

It is never too early to eat a healthy diet so for children who bring lunch to school, we do encourage them as well as parents to make healthy choices and provide a balanced diet, although we are all human and understand the attraction of an occasional treat. 

The main foods include:

  • bread, cereals, rice, pasta, noodles
  • vegetables, legumes (for example, dried peas, beans, lentils)
  • fruit
  • milk, yoghurt, cheese
  • meat, fish, poultry, eggs


Healthy Eating


  • Carbohydrates to give you lots of energy!
  • Proteins to help you grow up, build up and repair your cells
  • Vitamins and Minerals to keep your body healthy and fight diseases
  • Fats to store your energy in your body but not too much, just enough to store your energy.
  • Water to keep your body clean and to help digest food.



Children may bring fruit for break times. We do not allow children to bring sweets or crisps into school.