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What are the attendance expectations?

One of our school values is to celebrate success. Good attendance is fundamental to a successful and fulfilling school experience. We actively promote 100% attendance for all our pupils. Parents have a legal duty to ensure that their child(ren) attend school regularly and arrive on time.  Regular attendance is essential to the all-round development of the child and they should be allowed to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them.  Poor attendance undermines their education and sometimes, puts pupils at risk, encouraging anti-social behaviour.

Only the Headteacher can authorise absence using a consistent approach. The Headteacher is not obliged to accept a parent’s explanation.  A letter or telephone message from a parent does not in itself authorise an absence. If absences are not authorised, parents will be notified.


Only the school can authorise a child’s absence. An absence is recorded as authorised when a child has been away from school for a legitimate reason, and the school has received notification from a parent or carer. For example, if a child has been unwell and the parent writes a note or sends an email to explain the reason. Wherever possible medical evidence should be provided. In cases where the child’s attendance is below 95%, medical evidence will be required before the absence will be authorised.


An absence is recorded as unauthorised when is child is away from school without the permission of the school. The following are examples where absence will be unauthorised:

 Another member of the family is ill

The family have overslept, or had a late night

There are problems with uniform or clothing

You have forgotten school dates

It has snowed and you live within walking distance of the school

An annual family event, such as a birthday

An outing, e.g. to a theme park

You take your child shopping

A parent or sibling has a medical or other appointment

You have a problem with your car

How do I report absence?

Please contact the school office on 01227 760084. It is a parents’ responsibility to contact school on the first day of a child’s absence.  Parents should regularly update the school and inform on when their child is returning. This helps both home and school ensure children are safeguarded.

If school is not made aware of why a child is absent we will call each day. Same-day Home visits may be carried out if no reason has been provided and contact has not been made.

What causes concerns?

For all children, the school monitors absence and lateness and has a stepped approach to taking action. 

95 - 100% attendance - class teacher to investigate and notify the Family Liaison Officer of concerns, who will contact parent if appropriate.

90 - 95% attendance – child’s attendance will be monitored closely, school intervention letters/meeting with parents – consider PSP, Penalty Notice or Early Help Notification.

Below 90% - child’s attendance will be monitored very closely. Where the absences have not been authorised consult with the Local Authority School Liaison Officer and a referral to the Inclusion and Attendance Service may be considered.  PSP, Penalty Notice or Early Help Notification to be considered.


What do the codes mean on my child's registration certificate?

In line with Government regulations, the following codes are used for registration purposes:




Statistical Meaning


Present (AM)



Present (PM)



Educated off site

Approved Educational Activity


Other Authorised Absence

Authorised Absence


Dual Registration

Approved Educational Activity


Excluded (no alternative provision made)

Authorised Absence


Extended family holiday (agreed)

Authorised Absence


Family holiday (not approved)

Unauthorised Absence


Family holiday (approved)

Authorised Absence


Illness (not Medical/Dental appointments)

Authorised Absence - this includes absence due to a positive COVID case


Late (before Registration closes)



Medical/Dental appointment

Authorised Absence if evidence provided


No Reason Provided for Absence

Unauthorised Absence – will become O if no reason provided


Unauthorised Absence (not covered by other code)

Unauthorised Absence


Religious Observance

Authorised Absence


Traveller Absence

Authorised Absence


Late (after Registration closes)

Unauthorised Absence


Educational Visit or Trip

Approved Educational Activity


School Closed to Pupils (also used for part-time)

Attendance Not Required



Enforced Closure (adverse weather e.g.)

Attendance Not Required


School Closed to Pupils and Staff

Attendance Not Required


How do we celebrate good attendance?

Each week we hold a Celebration Assembly, where the class with the highest attendance is awarded Attendance Ted and the class who are the most punctual win Punctuality pup. 

Holidays in term time

From September 2013 the Department for Education have amended the Pupil Registration Regulations, removing the Headteacher’s ability to authorise leave of absence for the purpose of a family holiday. It is our policy that children will not be taken out of school during term time except in exceptional circumstances.  A child's absence during term time can seriously disrupt their continuity of learning. Not only do they miss valuable teaching on the days they are away, they are also less prepared for the lessons when they return to school.

Requests must be made in writing, to the Headteacher, with at least 14 days’ notice.

Penalty Notices

Penalty Notice Proceedings for Lateness – Penalty Notices are issued in accordance with Kent County Council’s Education Penalty Notices Code of Conduct effective from January 2016.

10 incidents of late arrival after the registers have closed during any possible 100 school sessions for a Penalty Notice Warning Letter.

The Penalty Notice Warning Letter sets out 15 school days during which no unauthorised absence is to be recorded

If unauthorised absence is recorded during the 15 day period, Penalty Notice(s) will be issued (one per parent per child)

Where a Penalty Notice is not paid within 28 days of issue the Local Authority will instigate court proceedings

Penalty Notices Proceedings for Poor Attendance - Penalty Notices are issued in accordance with Kent County Council’s Education Penalty Notices Code of Conduct effective from January 2016

 • A Penalty Notice can only be issued in cases of absence for 10 or more half day sessions (5 school days) without authorisation during any 100 possible school sessions or period of 50 days of schooling – these do not need to be consecutive.

• A Penalty Notice can also be issued where an excluded child is found in a public place during school hours.

• After the appropriate request for a Penalty Notice is received, the KCC Inclusion and Attendance Service will issue a warning letter setting out 15 school days during which no unauthorised absence is to be recorded

• If unauthorised absence is recorded during the 15 day period a Penalty Notice will be issued (one per parent per child)