Year 4 - Badger Class
Welcome to Badger Class
Class Teacher: Mr Chappell
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Chongbang
Here you will find out about each of the term's learning enquiries, special dates for your diary, PE days and forest school days.
Welcome back Badger Class to term 3! I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas break and enjoyed the celebrations of the new year. It was a much-deserved break after all your continuous efforts to achieve your targets. I'm looking forward to seeing what challenges we have awaiting us this term and seeing you make even further progress.
I am very proud of how far you have all come so far.
Enquiry Question
How hard was it to invade and settle in Britain?
In term 3 we are looking at a new history enquiry, answering the question, 'How hard was it to invade and settle in Britain?' Throughout this topic, we will be learning about different groups of people that have invaded Britain. We will be focussing on the period of the Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasions and how this transformed Britain over many hundreds of years. As we delve deeper into the history of Britain during this time, we will discover how Christianity spread across the land and the impact this had on how Britain functioned. We will also explore what life in Britain was like and what the living conditions were like during this time period.
Forest School and PE Days
Last term, we worked really hard on our team-building skills. We looked at building huts, crafting skills and how we might survive on a desert island, linked to our story of Kensuke's Kingdom. We really enjoyed this book and having forest school to inspire our creativity and imagination.
Every year group has the opportunity to take part in forest school. We are very lucky to have Mr Walsh, our forest school leader, who runs and prepares the activities for the children in this time. We will be completing this in 3-week blocks.
The dates for Badger class are:
Thursday 30th January
Thursday 6th February
Thursday 13th February
Please make sure your child brings their Forest School kit on these days to avoid disappointment. Please be prepared for the British weather and have the appropriate clothing for the day, like wellies, a coat, a jumper and jeans. The weather is still cold, so an extra layer will be needed, and I'm sure it will be much appreciated by the children.
Note: Wellies should be in school at all times, so the children can interact with the outdoor activity stations.
Our PE days are also important and require children to have their school PE kits. Ideally, we would like these to stay in the children's lockers, so they are available when we need them. Our PE day this term has changed and is now on a Wednesday afternoon (outdoors) where we will be learning the skills and game of tennis.
We are lucky to have an organisation called Team Theme with us this term, supporting and teaching the children, so please can we ensure the children are prepared, wearing appropriate footwear, along with their school PE clothes.
Home Learning and Reading
In year 4 Badger class we are trying something new. All children have got access to their Spelling Shed and TTRockstars accounts. However, we have also now embraced a new platform, called Twinkl Learner, which children can access in school and at home. This is full of learning games, challenges and opportunities for them to practice their weekly spellings and timetables.
Please support us in this trial period and make sure they are accessing this at home to support their learning. If you are unsure of any logins or access to the Twinkl account, please let me know and I will be happy to help.
All children will also have a home reading record and will be expected to read frequently throughout the week, completing reading quizzes whilst in school and changing their reading books throughout the term. Home records will need to be in school every day to be checked and also, so the class adults can listen to their reading throughout the week. Friday will be the day the children can complete reading quizzes.
Dojo points will be awarded to those who are completing these tasks, which can then be used to redeem class awards. Points mean prizes!
If you ever have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to contact me or speak with one of the class team members who will be happy to help. We will be available before and after school or, alternatively, you can email me on the Class Dojos to arrange a meeting.
We look forward to continuing our amazing journey with you in year 4.
The Year 4 Badger Class Team
The Term 3 knowledge organisers below provide information on our learning for this term.
Teachers can be contacted via Class Dojo if you have any questions or queries regarding home learning.
Please click here to access extra phonics, reading and spelling resources.
Please click here to access links to other useful home learning resources published online.
If you are unsure of any log-in details, please contact the teacher through Class Dojo or email