Year 4 - Bison Class
Welcome to Bison Class
Our class teaching team is: Mr Cullen, Miss Jones and Miss Watson.
For information on why 'Bison' was chosen as our class animal, please check out the amazing work going on at Blean here:
Welcome back everyone! I hope we all had an amazing summer holiday and are now ready to continue our learning journey in year 4. We have lots of new and exciting learning this year, and I am very excited to see how much we all learn and the progress we make.
Enquiry Question - History
How have children’s lives changed?
Throughout this topic, we will be learning about how spare time, health and work have all dramatically improved, providing the life they have in today’s modern world. The most crucial of these changes – work – learning about a day in the life of a working child during the Tudor and Victorian periods and the significant impact a man called Lord Shaftesbury had on the child labour force. A fascinating topic of truth, reality and the recognition of just how far we have come and how lucky we all are.
Forest School
Our Forest School days are: Thursday 5th, 12th and 19th September
Please send your child into school wearing their school uniform with a Forest School kit in a bag. Please ensure the Forest School clothes are appropriate for the weather that day.
Please send in wellies that can be kept in school to utilise the outdoor learning spaces every day.
Our PE lessons will be on a Monday afternoon. This term, we will be learning Handball and Netball. Please send the children into school with their PE kits in their bag. Please ensure the PE kits are suitable for outdoor PE - we will try and learn outside when the weather allows.
Our book this term is: Street Child by Berlie Doherty.
This is an amazing story based on real events and links incredibly well with our history enquiry. This story shows us the life of Jim Jarvis and finishes with the setting up of the Barnados charity. A fantastic read!
Please encourage your child to read every day at home! The more children read the better they perform in all areas of their life.
Please contact our teaching team is you would like any support with reading at home.
Key skills
All children have log-in details for Spelling Shed and TTRockstars. We would encourage children to avoid/limit screen time; however, if they are using a device, please encourage the children to practice their key skills of spelling and times tables with websites like these.
The Term 1 knowledge organisers below provide information on our learning for this term.
Teachers can be contacted via Class Dojo if you have any questions or queries regarding the home learning.
Please click here to access extra phonics, reading and spelling resources.
Please click here to access links to other useful home learning resources published online.
If you are unsure of any log in details please contact the teacher through Class Dojo or email