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Our Curriculum

At Pilgrims’ Way, our vision is to provide inclusive learning for all; where every child is taught a broad and balanced curriculum that offers ‘irresistible learning’ of the knowledge and skills that will be valuable in their future. In line with the Veritas Academy Trust values, we aim to be inclusive, innovative and inspirational in the delivery of our curriculum.

Our curriculum is built upon the statutory expectations of the National Curriculum and Early Years Framework. To create ‘irresistible learning’ for all our children, we draw on well researched schemes of work to formulate Long term, Medium term and Short term plans, that are carefully sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before.

Building firm foundations in literacy and numeracy, our curriculum also nurtures creativity and physical development and embraces the richness of our local and global communities, ensuring children learn about and respect different cultures, values and perspectives.

Through our inclusive teaching methods, we cater to the unique strengths and needs of every child, ensuring that everyone has the chance to succeed and flourish. By promoting diversity, collaboration, and a lifelong love of learning, we aim to prepare our children for the challenges and opportunities of the future, instilling in them the confidence to achieve their full potential.


Each term we share a curriculum newsletter with our school community - staff, parents/carers and governors. It allows us all to build a shared understanding of what the children are learning and why. This information can enable better school/home support and deepen the children's experiences and understanding.


Term 1 Curriculum Newsletter

Term 2 Curriculum Newsletter

Term 3 Curriculum Newsletter